734-764-1210Mailing address
4326 Taubman Health Sciences Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5726
About me
As Emerging Technologies Librarian for the Health Sciences, I work with social, semantic, and emerging technologies, identifying trends relevant to the educational, research, clinical and creative endeavors of the University of Michigan. I provide resources, tips, training, workshops, consultations, and collaboration, and more.
I have an extremely high volume of email. If I do not reply, most likely I have not seen your message. The best way to reach me is via Twitter (@pfanderson). For immediate assistance with general reference questions please contact Information Services (734-764-1210; thlibrary@umich.edu).
If you are interested in monthly updates and discussions, join the Cool Toys Conversations group. I am active in the #HCSM Health Care Social Media group in Twitter and have a one year appointment to the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media Advisory Board. In my ETechLib role, I am also a community manager for the UofM presence in Second Life (a 3d online virtual world), Wolverine Island.
Current interests include health care & social media, graphic medicine, 3d printing & biofabrication, makerspaces, microbiome, open hardware, personal genomics, participatory & precision medicine, e-patients, text mining, thematic analysis, and systematic reviews.
English, French, German