Territorial Acknowledgement

Read our full territorial acknowledgement in Anishinaabemowin or English.

You can also see our lists of resources and further reading to learn about the Indigenous peoples of Michigan and context surrounding land acknowledgements.

Brief version

Anishinaabemowin: Bodewademi, Odawa, minwaa Ojibwe Nishnaabeg gii-danakiiwog kiing minwaa jajigabiik Michigami jibwaa dagashnowaad kichi-gaaming gaa-bi-jibaajig. Geyaabi dash go zhinda danakiiwog, minwaa kchi-kinoomaagegamig mzinamowaa’aan Nishnaaben manda gii-shichigaadeg. Kichi-kinoomaagegamig Mzinignan enjiganoowenjigaadeg niibina mizinamowaan Wyandot minwaa Nishnaaben, minwaa baatiinat waa-nankiing wii-gwekwendaagok waawiindamaagewin gaa-zhichigaadegiba pii e-ni-kekenmigowing.

English: The Bodewadmi, the Odawa, and the Ojibwe, collectively named the Anishinaabe, lived in the lands and the waterways of the Michigami before the first white settlers arrived here. They continue to live here still, and the University of Michigan owes its creation to them. The University of Michigan Library is deeply indebted to the Wyandot and Anishinaabe Peoples, and we still have much work to do in order to honor the intent and spirit of the treaty upon which we were founded.