Renew Your Items

Most local materials checked out from the U-M Library renew automatically one week before the due date. You can check the status of your items online through your library account

Certain materials cannot be renewed — such as course reserves, equipment, and career books from the Art, Architecture, and Engineering Library — and there are renewal limits for Askwith Media Library items, as well as Music Library CDs and DVDs. See details for these specific formats.

We’ll continue to automatically renew items unless someone else has requested them or you are leaving the university.

If items are not renewed for any reason, you will receive a due date reminder.

Renewing interlibrary loans 

Interlibrary loan renewals are decided by the lending library and must be requested.

You can request to renew interlibrary loan items via ILLiad starting 5 days before your due date, and up to 2 days afterward. We will notify you of the renewal decision by email.

If an item is more than 2 days overdue, contact us at to request a renewal.