Deep Blue Repositories

Our repositories give you safe and permanent access to the work that makes the University of Michigan a leader in research, teaching, learning, and creativity, whether that work is in the form of documents or data.

Deep Blue Documents

Deep Blue Documents include articles, chapters, dissertations, conference presentations, media, and other work produced by the U-M community. The majority of documents are searchable and viewable by everyone, though authors can apply some access restrictions. 

Deep Blue Data

Deep Blue Data provides access to digital research data that were developed or used in the support of research activities at U-M. All data in the repository are available for anyone to download without restriction.

Share your work

Gain visibility and promote your scholarship by sharing your own documents or data. We encourage people at U-M to share and preserve your work and share and preserve your data using Deep Blue Repositories.

Questions? Contact us at
An illustration of a female presenting researcher in a lab coat holding a clipboard and test tube, next to a collage of gears, a computer monitor, an open book, and a mouse cursor.

Watch our videos on Deep Blue Documents and Deep Blue Data to learn about how they enable you to ensure your scholarship is discovered, cited, and preserved.