Celebrate Native American Heritage Month with Native American authors!

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month with Native American authors! The display of books in the Shapiro Lobby this November are all written by Native American authors. 

Enjoy some poetry with Joy Harjo’s In Mad Love and War and How We Became Human. Check out short stories in Greg Sarris’ Grand Avenue and the compilation of various authors’ works in Blue Dawn, Red Earth

November is also National Novel Writing Month. The Shapiro Library has a variety of novels by Native American authors, like Tracks by Louise Erdrich, Where the Dead Sit Talking by Brandon Hobson, Bone Game by Louise Owens, and There, There by Tommy Orange. 

The work of Native American scholars and academics can be read in Indigenous American Women, Violence over the Land, and Wiping the Warpaint Off the Lens, to name a few. 

This spreadsheet provides a complete list of the books on display and can help you locate the books after the display comes down.