
Discover how we can support your course teaching, from providing access to materials, to help designing assignments, integrating library instruction, and more.

Instruction and course support

  1. Request Instruction

    Request an instruction session or get course support from library staff.

  2. Get Course Design Help

    Work with a library expert to design a course activity or project, include a research guide, or use an online module.

  3. Use Modules and Tutorials in Canvas

    Add our ready-made instruction modules to your course site in Canvas.

Course materials and reserves

  1. Get Course Materials Support

    Partner with us to select course materials and ensure access for your students.

  2. Use Film in Courses

    Access and guidance for using films and streaming films in courses.

  3. Copyright Services

    Get answers on copyright and fair use through our consultations, workshops and presentations, online resources, and more.

Academic integrity support

See our introduction to academic integrity guide for resources to help you understand what academic integrity, academic ethics, and plagiarism are in practice, including in the classroom and in online learning.