Policy for the Promotion and Appointment of Librarians


Librarians at the University of Michigan hold academic appointments and are part of the faculty of the University. As such, they have the responsibility to determine the rules of governance under which they may seek to advance their careers as librarians. This policy describes how librarians obtain their ranks at appointment and are promoted within the University Library System. The procedures describe how this policy is implemented. 

Librarians, Archivists, and Curators (LACs) in the LEO-GLAM bargaining unit are guaranteed access to a promotion system through the promotion article of the 2022–2025 LEO-GLAM contract. This policy and the associated procedure abide by that contract article and provide additional guidance. As decided by the Library Administration, librarians, archivists, and curators not eligible for the bargaining unit use the same promotion process. Library Administration may designate different steps or a different process for non-eligible librarians.

The 2023–2025 policy and procedure is effective July 1, 2023. The 2022-2023 policy and procedure using an interim timeline codified in a memorandum of understanding between Academic Human Resources and LEO-GLAM is also attached for reference.

Last updated by heidisb on 08/22/2023
Created by zlquint on 07/07/2020
Last Updated