Reading the Text:
Line 30 (Medea 689)

skip to line: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

reference: view the alphabet in a separate window

Notes on line 30:

The letter r was mistakenly written by the scribe, and subsequently deleted by the later editor and replaced with the letter g.

Medea verse 689:

The corrected line reads:

tumidumque nodis corpus aggestis plicat

The line as originally written by the scribe would read:

tumidumque nodis corpus agrestis plicat

Next: Line 31

Copyright 2004 The Regents of the University of Michigan.
Reading the Papyri is produced by the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
These pages designed and written by Terrence Szymanski. email: