This is the homepage of the XXV International Congress of Papyrology, held in 2007 in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan.

The opening ceremony of the congress is now available to watch via streaming video.

new Publication of the Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology

The maximum length for a manuscript for the Proceedings is 25,000 characters (no space). Please use 12 point Times New Roman for for Latin characters and a unicode font for Greek, Coptic or Arabic. We strongly suggest that you do not use a non-standard font for the non-Latin characters. If this technologically impossible, please let us know what font you are using and submit it along with your contribution. Please, do not format the file.

We will accept manuscripts submitted only in electronic form on CDs (for those including graphics and images) and as e-mail attachments. We suggest that you submit your manuscript an an attachment both in .rtf and .pdf format to, and give as subject "Proceedings."

Manuscripts should be submitted by APRIL 30, 2008.

Congress Materials

Below are links to some materials from the congress:


Below are links to various relevant websites:

List of Contributors

The following organizations contributed to the congress:

University of Michigan


This site is hosted by the Homepage of the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection.