A Theft of a Donkey

In this section, we will look at the papyrus that records the theft of a donkey in four different ways. First you can see the papyrus itself, with the different words highlighted as they were in the previous "Reading the Papyrus"section. A Diplomatic transcription follows. This shows each of the words as they appear on the ancient document. Next, you can see the Greek text, modified to include breathings and accents, as you would find in a textbook. Finally, you can read the translation of this text into English.

The Papyrus:

Diplomatic Text:

[1] ετουϲ λα μηνοϲ αθυρ ιβ εν Φιλα
δελφειαι του αρσινοιτου νομου
προσαγγελμα αλεξανδρωι
αρχιφυλακιτηι παρα αντιγεν
[5] υϲ Μακεδονοϲ των Νικανοροϲ κλη
ρουχου απολωλε μ μοι ονοϲ θηλει
α λευκη εκπηδηϲαϲα παρα Νικι
ου νυκτοϲ, ων τιμη δραχμων π.
ετουϲ αλ μηνοϲ αθυρ ιβ εμ
[10] Φιλαδελφειαι του αρσινο
ιτου νομου προσαγγελμα
αλεξανδρωι αρχιφυλα
κιτηι παρ αντιγ[[ο]]ενουϲ Μακεδο
νοϲ των Νικανοροϲ κληρου
[15] χου[[ϲ]]. απολωλεμ μοι ονοϲ θηλεια
λευκη εκπηδηϲαϲα παρα
Νικιου νυκτοϲ, ηϲ τιμη δραχμων π.

Greek Text:

[[1] (ἔτουϲ) 31 μηνὸϲ Ἁθύρ 12 ἐν Φιλαδελφείαι τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομοῦ. προσάγγελμα Ἀλεξάνδρωι ἀρχιφυλακίτηι παρὰ Ἀντιγέν [5] υϲ Μακεδόνοϲ τῶν Νικάνοροϲ κληρούχου. ἀπολωλέ⟨μ⟩ μοι ὄνοϲ θήλεια λευκὴ ἐκπηδήϲαϲα παρὰ Νικιου νυκτόϲ, ὧν τιμὴ δραχμῶν 80.

(ἔτουϲ) 31 μηνὸϲ Ἁθύρ 12 ἐμ [10] Φιλαδελφείαι τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομοῦ.προσάγγελμα Ἀλεξάνδρωι ἀρχιφυλακίτηι παρ’ Ἀντιγ[[ο]]ένουϲ Μακεδόνοϲ τῶν Νικάνοροϲ κληρού [15] χου[[ϲ]]. ἀπολωλέμ μοι ὄνοϲ θήλεια λευκὴ ἐκπηδήϲαϲα παρὰ Νικίου νυκτόϲ, ἧϲ τιμὴ δραχμῶν 80.

English Translation:

Year 31, Hathor 12 (January 5, 254 BCE) in Philadeplphia of the Arsinoite Nome. A notification to Alexandros, chief poliecman, from Antigenes, a Macedonian, of the troop of Nikanor, cleruch. I have lost a white female donkey, which escaped from Nikias by night, of which the value is 80 drachmas.

Year 31, Hathor 12 (January 5, 254 BCE) in Philadeplphia of the Arsinoite Nome. A notification to Alexandros, chief poliecman, from Antigenes, a Macedonian, of the troop of Nikanor, cleruch. I have lost a white female donkey, which escaped from Nikias by night, of which the value is 80 drachmas.

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